Well, I guess it's time to update things on our family. We have moved into our new house, which was a huge task in iteself. But thank goodness we are finally here. I have been making lots of lists of things that I need ... okay... WANT around the house. We have a few major purchases to buy and I guess the other things will just have to come later. I'm still taking Briana and Brandi back and forth to their school. I didn't want to start them in a new school at the very end of the school year. That would just be cruel! :O So they're out of school on June 7th and YAY for summer break!! Briana just got back last weekend from her 5th grade Chicago trip. They were gone for 3 days and 2 nights with their whole 5th grade. They did so many fun things there- they went to the Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum, Science Museum, Navy Pier, a dinner cruise, they saw the Blue Man Group perform, went to Hard Rock Cafe... they had a blast. I gave her a disposable camera and I don't have those pictures developed yet. But when I do, I'll scan them into the blog (if there are any good ones). You never know with Briana's camera taking skills. :)
Okay... more on Briana. She just had her 11th birthday. She got a much needed bike, some flowers (per her request) and a few other things. I'm letting her have a sleep-over in a few more weeks. (her first one ever) We don't usually do those, but we're giving in this time. She'll get some more much needed things like clothes, etc. at her 2nd birthday party. She'll also get a birthday cake at that party. Poor child didn't get a cake!! We were still in the middle of a million boxes when it was her birthday.
Brooke and Brandi are doing great, too! Not much to report on them. Brandi is having a Bug Musical today at her school, so if I can get some good pictures, those will be posted next. The picture of her above is at the Detroit Zoo this week on a field trip. We had so much fun.
Well, hope everyone is doing well! Adios!