Okay, the story behind the first picture:
It's Easter morning, we're already running behind because we had to see what the Easter bunny brought everybody. All morning, I'm yelling, "hurry up, hurry up... or we're going to be late to church!" So I run up the stairs to see how everyone's doing about 45 min. after being awake... Brooke's sitting in front of her dresser pulling out
blue jeans. So of course I freak out, pull out a dress for her, tell her to put it on, and to .... HURRY UP! So 10 min. later I walk up the stairs to do her hair, and I take one look at her and she's got everything on BACKWARDS! So we have to get dressed... AGAIN! Anyway, not a good morning, because mom was in a major PMS mood anyway-- not in the mood for the easter bunny that day, but what do you do?? Try to not kill anybody, take lots of deep breaths and remember how precious and wonderful they are! So anyway, in an effort to be nice, I wanted a picture before church, now Brooke's not in the mood. She truly tried to stop crying before I snapped the picture, but just broke down and couldn't help it. Poor girl. It's so true, if mama's not happy, aint nobody happy! We hugged, kissed and made up. :)