Ronnie, Tammy, Briana, Brandi and Brooke
Getting on a big schoolbus. "Yikes!", says mom.
Yay! Coming home!
Brooke did it!! She rode the bus to and from school today!!
This next group of pictures is of Amanda. She has been coming to church for a year and a half before she could be baptized. So when she turned 18 in April-- that was it! She took the plunge! We've been with her through it all. We have had such a wonderful experience with the missionaries and Amanda in our home every week for about 5 months. I would have to say that we have grown attached to them. Elder Cobb, (below) was in our ward for 6 months... so it was hard to see him go!! But he promised to come and see us when he gets off his mission. Brooke is too funny... she has on Elder Cobb's glasses
This is the last visit we had with the missionaries and Amanda. She also had her friend, Ashley over and taking the discussions, too.
Last April when she was baptized! :)
Me and Amanda right before she left for BYU-Idaho. (Why is my face so red?????? I t hink Ronnie had us laughing.) Anyway, it was hard to see her go too!! Boo hoo!!