Sunday, February 24, 2008


Seems like time just flies by before I even think about posting something new to the blog. So to everyone out there that has been checking and checking and nothing new... Sorry! Life seems to go on without thinking about this blog ! :)

We have been, as always, pretty busy around here. We've been battling colds and fevers this past week. I think I got hit the hardest. I haven't been sick in so long, so this has been miserable!! The kids seemed to recover within a day- I've been trying to recover now for 5 days!My really sweet neighbor brought over some chicken noodle soup and homemade breadsticks and some cupcakes tonight for dinner. Yummie

Let's see... since the Christmas letter I posted, I have enrolled Brandi and Booke in gymnastics class and they are loving it. I haven't taken the camera to capture pictures, but I will soon. Brandi is really a natural. I'm impressed by her posture and her flexibility. I knew she'd be great, but didn't really realize how great! Now there's even more flipping and cartwheels at home. Just what I knew would happen. :) Brooke is just funny with it. She's mostly in la-la land during class. Hopefully this can help her hone in on her attention span. Okay, maybe not.

This month I also threw a surprise party for a lady at church who turned 80! That was fun. We had a big turnout of all her friends. We had a nice lunch and then she got to open presents and eat birthday cake! How fun was that?! I wonder when the last time she had a birthday party and got to open presents?! She's such a sweet lady. I think we really surprised her.

Next... Valentine's Day was nice around here. Ronnie came home with roses. Aw, isn't he sweet? Our present to each other was our new tv we bought the week before.

One thing I should mention, too. Ronnie and I both went in to have a consultation on lasik eye surgery. We both were considered "candidates" but he was the only brave one to schedule surgery. To make a long story short... he couldn't have surgery because they are testing him to see if he has an eye disease called keratoconus. Basically, Ronnie's eye should be shaped like a basketball but his is shaped like a football. The dr. said that it's very rare. Maybe 1 out of 100,000 patients are diagnosed with it. They did say that there are other factors (like severe dry eye) that mimick keratocanus and hopefully he doesn't have it. We think dry eye makes sense- it's so dry here during the winter. He'll go back in a month to see if there's any progress. We'll keep ya posted. As for me, I'm not having surgery anytime soon. I watched the video and chickened out! :)

Okay, now on to the snow around here! There's just two words to say about that... 'GO AWAY'. It really is getting old really fast. But today was nice... it warmed up to 35 degrees. Yippie!
Well, that's my quick update. Talk to ya'll soon!

1 comment:

Rob and Heather said...

Tammy you are so great! What a wonderful neighbor to make dinner, and especially the cupcakes I bet your girls loved those. Hope you are feeling better. We are back home now, so life is continually going - Better than ever.