First things first: No, I haven't made the delicious looking chocolate chip cookie dough brownies yet. I'm waiting until I have someone who can help me eat them. I know that I'll be eating way too many of them- so I'm holding off until I can take them somewhere-- maybe to the Super Bowl party this Sunday or something!! :)
So, this morning Ronnie and I were at the school with Brooke. And our neighbor Kelly Feather is Brooke's 1st grade teacher and she was showing us some pictures that she took this morning of this OWL on top of our mailboxes!! (Our mailboxes are grouped together - not out by our houses by the road) Anyway- so when I came home from school, I was looking for the owl, but I must have looked in the wrong place, because I didn't see it as I drove past. Then I was talking to my other neighbor, Amy who said she just saw it. So I decided to drive back down by the mailboxes to take another look. Lo and Behold! There he was!! An Owl on our mailboxes. Look how beautiful! Actually, he was rested nice and cozy on Amy Day's mailbox. How cool!! So I snapped a few pictures. Jeff Day was driving home about that same time, so he stopped and decided to check his mail to see what would happen. The owl freaked out a little, (duh, Jeff! :) flew out onto Jeff's car, then flew back in and landed on another mailbox. So I took some of Jeff too. But I won't steal their thunder, I know they're going to post those on their blog.
Enjoy the pictures... this isn't something we see very often!!

Look at those freaky eyes!! Even when they were closed, I walked around and it followed me the whole time. His head would turn to wherever I was. I didn't know if he was going to attach or what!! But thankfully I came away unscathed.