Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies

Forgive me for showing pictures of the most sinful thing on earth!!
But I think I will just have to make these within the next few days!
I can't resist!

(photo and recipe from http://www.bakerella.blogspot.com/)

I love looking at this baking blog. It makes me want to bake bake bake!!


lotusgirl said...

Those look incredibly delicious and sinful! I'm sure they would complicate my weight loss hopes.

Mike and Ashley said...

They DO look sinful!!! Let me know how they turn out!

J'Amy Day said...

I think I gained a pound just looking at them. Send some over our way...!

Amy said...

Divine is the word that comes to mind. That's so funny you posted those. Aaron was just telling me that another resident just brought some to work. He was trying to discribe them to me. Now I really need to make them!

Missy said...

Those look amazing! I like bakerella , as well.

Amanda said...

They look SOOO good!!!! I've gotta make em!!!

Rob and Heather said...

Rob would eat'em up in a second.