Yes, Ronnie and I spent 4 days, 3 nights on a Cruise to the Bahamas! It was fabulous! It was so fun to have Ronnie all to myself with nowhere to go, nothing I HAD to do and nobody that I had to take anywhere! We found ourselves wandering around not knowing what exactly to do first. There was alot of different activities and games on the ship. We did avoid the gambling and drinking that goes on on the cruise, though. :) So, we woke up at 4am on Friday morning to make our 6:30'ish flight to Miami. By the time we flew to Miami, took a shuttle to the Port, got on the boat around 3:00pm, we were exhausted. (okay, just me. Ronnie was just fine.) Once we got on the ship, we were so lost. You would think that some of those levels would go straight through. Oh no!! Not even! You have to figure out which elevator takes you to which level that will take you to wherever you're trying to go. Not an easy task!! We backtracked so much- going up and down stairs, and up and down elevators. So by the time we unloaded our bags in our room and made it back up to take a look at how beautiful everything was, I forgot my camera! I was way too tired to go get it, and too afraid I'd never find Ronnie again so I missed out on some very beautiful pictures. Anyway, here's a few...
Look at the beautiful blue water! We couldn't get over how gorgeous it was!

Getting off the ship in Nassau

This is the day that the ship did ALOT of rocking- I look ill. :)

This is the first night on the ship. I was sooo exhausted-I forgot to bring the camera up to take pictures in Miami.
Each night if you want to eat in the dining room, you have a dining time and table assignment. So each night you get to eat with the same people and have the same waiter and waitress. Ronnie and I were so lucky to get these three great gals from Tennessee. They were alot of fun to dine with! And it was a breath of fresh air to hear their southern accents!! :)
Our dining group. We had the cutest waiter and waitress. Fang and Hardenow. I can't remember how you spell his name, but they just told us to call him "I don't know" :) They also made it alot fun.
Everybody say... Y -M -C -A!!