We headed on down to Milford (a whole 8 min away) on Saturday to Milford Memories which is a downtown festival. The kids were dying to have their faces painted (except Briana). For some reason, I've never let them get their faces painted... now I know why!! Yikes!! So what do you think? Scary or Cute?
My kids had their faces painted a few years ago there too and it was scary looking! Especially Alec - he looked like he belonged in Circ Du Soleil!
I thoutght they look pretty cute. My boys usually just pick one small item to paint on their face. BTW, your front house looks very nice
They look cute!!! Lindsay had her face painted at Disney.
Oh I think Cute! I am always amazed at people's talent. What did their faces look like when they washed it off? Really fun. Gotta love the summertime.
they look cute!!! I remember we always loved those when we were little too.
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