Last night, I did it! I went to the 12:01 am showing of Twilight. It was so fun. Dinner at Olive Garden with about 20 of us insane women from church first- and then- what we've all been waiting for... what we've all been counting down the days for...THE movie. So here's my synopsis. If you've read the book, you know how completely in love, infactuated, obsessed Bella is with Edward. That's the only part I really didn't get in this movie... I didn't feel her passion for him! So I was a little disappointed. I know there's so much to crunch into a two hour movie, but some things were just missing for me. Some scenes should have built up the intensity a little more... their talks, Edward's family, the tracking scene. It was all way too quick and choppy for me. And I wanted Bella to have more personality... can anyone say 'bor-ing'. I'm sorry, but Bella was bland and boring. I just wanted her to smile!!! Just once, smile. I know that was her character, but come on!! Give me something to work with here!!!
But, having said that I really enjoyed myself. It's never going to be a bad evening when you're out with a ton of friends giggling and laughing like teenagers. hee hee
Now I'm going to have to find a way to stay awake tonight for the play "A Christmas Carol". So far, I'm not tired today even though I got home around 2:30'ish this morning. I'm sure it will hit me late this afternoon and I'll have to pick myself up off the floor!! Wish me luck! I've got to stay awake until at least 9:30 tonight.