Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wasted Day!

Yesterday was one of those days that you think to yourself at the end of the day, "What have I done all day?" And you really can't name one good thing! I was busy all day, but doing what? I never sat down to even watch a tv show! I had a load of laundry in the dryer that was in my plans all day to get out and fold and I never did! I've realized that when I have to get out of the house to run an errand or two, it takes up my whole day! My day is shot! I went to the chiropractor at 10 am and decided I would run to Kohl's and Home Goods to see if I could find a Thanksgiving table runner. (We have 4 families coming for dinner) After I went to both places, I was hungry, so I decided to stop for something to eat. But what would I eat? I get sick of fast food and I was in the car driving and would think of a place, then turn around and start heading the other direction. Then I would change my mind as I would think of another place. So I would turn around again and start heading another direction. I think I wasted 15-20 min. just driving in circles trying to figure out what I would eat for lunch!!! Ridiculous, isn't it? Anyway, so I ended up at Baja Fresh eating taquitos, rice and beans. Mmm, just kidding- not even that great! Then I head home and what do I do but find myself on the computer all afternoon wasting time. Suddenly, Briana's home from school. That means in another hour, Brooke will be home- (Brandi is already at gymnastics - she is picked up from school by my neighbor)...then my Monday nights will fly right out the door because now I have to make dinner, pick up Brandi from gymnastics and take Briana to dance at 8:00. Uggh!! What a wasted day! I have a new goal today... I'm staying off the computer and getting some work done!! So GOODBYE!!


Leigh This Way said...

I waste days all the time. Course I don't have any kids so its not that big of a deal. I feel like every now and then you need to have a wasted day. Of course, mine are usually spent reading a good book instead of studying or playing with my dog instead of doing laundry.

Pamelia said...

I had a Dr. appt. this morning, so I took the day off. Instead of cleaning I'm on the computer. I guess I need to get some things done around here also. It is nice just to be able to sit for a minute.

Tiffany said...

Our computer crashed this past summer, so the only web time I get is at night on Marty's laptop! I have realized how much time is left when you don't have a computer!!! It's amazing, I tell you! I love your blog and it's so fun reading up on your beautiful family!!!! I'm gonna go check out Pamela's now :)

Tiffany said...

P.S.---Sooo glad to see you're a Twilight Freak too!! Got tickets for Friday! i just hope It's actually good and not a disappointment!! It'll be good...it's just gotta be, right!!